Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I don’t even know what to say about this one. Partly obvious / partly not so much. Bottom line: I guess I’m unfamiliar with this entire word.

Definition of peroration:
“Meaning #1:
a flowery and highly rhetorical oration. Meaning #2: (rhetoric) the concluding section of an oration” (answers.com)

Where I ran across it:
2/19/08 NYT Op-Ed opinion column, “When the Magic Fades” by David Brooks.

“...The victims of O.C.S. [Obama Comedown Syndrome] struggle against Obama-myopia, or the inability to see beyond Election Day. But here’s the fascinating thing: They still like him. They know that most of his hope-mongering is vaporous. They know that he knows it’s vaporous.

But the fact that they can share this dream still means something. After the magic fades and reality sets in, they still know something about his soul, and he knows something about theirs. They figure that any new president is going to face gigantic obstacles. At least this candidate seems likely to want to head in the right direction. Obama’s hype comes from exaggerating his powers and his virtues, not faking them. Those afflicted with O.C.S. are no longer as moved by his perorations.

The fever passes. But some invisible connection seems to persist.”

My two cents:
Honestly, another political column? Will it ever stop? I know, I know. It’s all my fault. I think I’m addicted. I know I should shift up into my adult and make more mature choices. It’s just that these puppies are everywhere, and they are easy pickings. While I tire of the hype and hoopla, they sure are serving me well as fodder for this blog. I am developing a love-hate thing faster than a politician (or their spouse) can put their foot in it.

It’s not that I don’t read anything else. I just read a thoroughly entertaining, decidedly non-political article, “Celebrating the Semicolon in a Most Unlikely Location” by Sam Roberts. Seriously. I was so hoping to stumble over a blog word prospect, but “anachronism” was as close as it got, and I already know that word. Bummer. Anyway, go read it yourself and have a nice little grammatical chuckle. You can thank me later.

Truth be told, today's political article is truly remarkable. Seriously intelligent. Wicked clever. Witty, with just the right amount of sincerity and sarcasm. Not too different from the way political candidates wannabe when stumping for your vote.

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