Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Never heard this one before!

Definition of gephyrophobia:
"Fear of bridges." (

Where I ran across it:
NYT online article, "To Gephyrophobiacs, Bridges are a Terror" by Lisa Foderaro.

“...The Verrazano-Narrows bridge has been called a study in grace. For Jan Steers, it was a study in terror. Even thinking about driving across the 4,260-foot suspension span made her start to feel dizzy, made her heart race, her breath tightening into short rapid gasps. Mrs. Steers, 47, suffered from a little-known disorder called gephyrophobia, a fear of bridges. And she had the misfortune of living in a region with 26 major bridges, whose heights and spans could turn an afternoon car ride into a rolling trip through a haunted house...”

My two cents:

OK, maybe this one isn't fair. We could all go for days (or longer) playing with phobia words we've never heard. But this article about how bridge phobic folks manage their commutes was interesting and heart rending. I couldn’t help putting this one in the list.

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