Thursday, October 30, 2008


another new word for me

Definition of mestizo:
mes·ti·zo (mĕs-tē')

n. A person of mixed racial ancestry, especially of mixed European and Native American ancestry.

[Spanish, mixed, mestizo, from Old Spanish, mixed, from Late Latin mixtīcius, from Latin mixtus, past participle of miscēre, to mix.]” (

Where I ran across it:
10/29/31 NYT op-ed column, “American Stories” by Roger Cohen.

“…He is the providential mestizo whose name — O-Ba-Ma — has the three-syllable universality of some child’s lullaby.…”

My two cents:
We’re in the home stretch kids. The presidential election is in a few short days. I’ve had more than my fill of all the campaigning drama, most especially the desperate, last minute mud-slinging and frantic finger-pointing. I’m not naming names. I’m just sayin.’ Enough already.

Roger Cohen’s beautiful op-ed piece is a rare and quiet gift in these raucous last few days before the election. You simply must read it. I can only say thanks, and thanks again – thanks for the new word, but thanks mostly for the eloquent calm within the storm.

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